The Purpose of this Blog and a Brief Disclaimer

First of all, before I actually begin writing for this blog I want to call to mind some things about my purpose for creating it, what I want to do here, the scope of my articles, and so forth.  I hope this article can function as a brief introduction to the blog and clear some things up about it.

First of all, I never claimed to be an expert.  What I mean by this is mainly that I'm no industry insider. I don't live in Japan, I've never been to Japan, and aside from being in vague contact with a few people who live in Japan I have barely any knowledge of what Japanese culture is actually like.  Of course, just as with anything, I love to learn more and more every day, but the fact of the matter is that the more I've learned, the more I've begun to realize how little I know.  So everything here on this blog is from the perspective of an outsider looking in, trying to picture what's going on inside a house by peeking through the windows, if you will.

Second of all, I would rather prefer for people to SPEAK, rather than to LISTEN.  But doesn't that sound contradictory?  Isn't listening and gaining knowledge a prerequisite for speaking and not sounding like an idiot?  Yes, that may be the case, but the fact of the matter is that we've come to a point where there are too many monoliths, too many e-celebs, too many people speaking and not enough people replying.  I'm not a monolith, I'm not an e-celeb, and I'm not here to garner attention.  I don't have anything against the monoliths in principle, but I am worried that nowadays people would prefer to just listen to the thoughts of a few popular individuals and soak it in rather than think for themselves, separated out from the opinions of others.  So in the end I would rather my blog generate actual discussion and diversity of opinion, instead of shooting to have the "right" opinions or "good taste".  No one can really please everyone in that regard so I'm not going to try to.  In other words, I'm writing to get others thinking (and hopefully writing too!) rather than to get others paying attention to the particular opinions I put up on my new blog.

Third of all, we do things in threes here.  Okay, yeah, this was just a crappy filler spot to put something in when I'm writing this introduction article.  Crucify me.  But I stand by the fact that three is a magic number and you're going to be seeing lots of threes in my articles, so I'm going to apologize upfront if this form gets a little boring or repetitive.

Anyways, now I've gotten this mandatory introductory article out of the way, I can actually get to writing about what I wanted here.  But before you make a comment on my blog, just remember that the warning label was on the package all along.


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